Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Tax Time! Lodge Online

Hello Fellow Mums! It's tax time again and some of us have very tight schedule making an appointment with our accountants. Usually we pay an average of $100 for processing but I've got an alternative option for you. Recently, I lodged my tax online without any hassle. I was able to get my tax refund back in 6 working days.

If you're someone with a very straightforward salary - payg - work deductions kind of scenario, then you can do you own tax using MyTax   When I saw it on ATO's website I hesitated but as I have been lodging my tax via e-tax previously, I thought why not try MyTax this year. And so I did. Sure enough, it worked well for me and it might be the best option for you too.

Before you use MyTax, make sure you create your MyGov account first. Here's the link for you It's very easy and convenient because you do have the option to see your ATO, Centrelink, CSA (if applicable) and other government accounts when you log in.

Going back to MyTax, basically what you need is of course your PAYG certificate, your claims (e.g. laptop, stationery, laundry allowance, uniform, phone bills etc) all these you can enter in MyTax. The limitations it has is if you have other income (locally and overseas) you won't be able to cover it in MyTax. You've got to use E-tax which is more comprehensive than MyTax. If you decide E-tax is best for you, here's the link

So remember,
 simple and straightforward - MyTax
 comprehensive - E-Tax

If you use MyTax, feel free to post your experience in this site!
I hope this helps! Thanks for reading!


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